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Faculty Assembly Elections 2020

To learn more about the Spring 2020 candidates, please download the 2020 Candidate Statements

February 10 (Monday):  

Call for Nominations: Nominations must be sent to Leola Powers at Only tenured faculty or those being recommended for tenure are eligible to serve on the Academic Senate. Only tenured faculty paying dues at the recommended rate shall be eligible to serve on the FA Executive Committee. However, all full-time faculty who pay dues to the FA, whether tenured or not, and whether paying at the recommended rate or less, shall be eligible to vote in the FA election. Candidates for FA Ombudsperson must provide evidence of formal training in mediation, or signify a willingness to receive appropriate training within 3 months of taking office.

February 21 (Friday):  

Nominations close.

February 26 (Wednesday):  

Deadline for Faculty Assembly nominees to respond with a yes or no.

February 28 (Friday):  

Deadline for Academic Senate nominees to respond with a yes or no.

March 2 (Monday):  

Deadline for AS and FA nominees to submit candidate statement and answers to candidate questions for brochure. Any candidate accepting the nomination who would like their statement and answers to preselected questions posted in the Candidate Brochure must send a general statement to Leola Powers at Each candidate statement needs to be sent in unformatted text within the body of an email (no attachments, no bold, no underline, use dashes and the space bar instead of automatic bullet points, etc.). Formatted text leads to conversion problems between different operating systems, MAC/PC problems, unrecognizable characters, etc. Also, this information will not be edited for spelling/grammatical errors.

March 4 (Wednesday):  

Election brochure with candidate information gets published to the AS and FA websites on this date.


March 6 (Friday): 

Balloting begins. An email with exact instructions for voting will be sent to all voting members.

March 12 (Thursday):  

Voting period ends at noon.  More details about how to get ballots to us and the time/place ballots will be counted will be provided on voting instructions.

Questions to the Candidates for Faculty Assembly


FA Executive Committee Members and Ombudsperson


  • What skills or experiences do you possess that would be a benefit to the Faculty Assembly's main purposes (see FA Constitution, Article I, numbers 1-8--however, there is no need to address each of the 8 purposes)

  • What leadership roles have you assumed during your academic and/or professional career?

  • What do you think are the two or three most pressing issues facing the Faculty Assembly today?

  • What would you do to keep Faculty Assembly members informed, and what would you do to elicit feedback on important issues from members?


Ombudsperson extra question:


What skills or special training do you possess that would allow you to help others to resolve differences?

Questions to each Candidate for Faculty Assembly Vice-President


  • What skills or experiences do you possess that would be a benefit to the Faculty Assembly's main purposes (see FA Constitution, Article I, numbers 1-8--however, there is no need to address each of the 8 purposes)?

  • What leadership roles have you assumed during your MiraCosta College career or elsewhere?

  • What would you do to keep Assembly members informed, and what would you do to elicit feedback on important issues from members?

  • What do you think are the two or three most pressing issues facing the Faculty Assembly today?

Questions to each Candidate for Faculty Assembly President


  • What skills or experiences do you possess that would be a benet to the Faculty Assembly's main purposes (see FA Constitution, Article I, numbers 1-8--however, there is no need to address each of the 8 purposes)?

  • What will you do to keep all Faculty Assembly members updated about important issues?

  • What leadership roles have you assumed during your MiraCosta College career and which accomplishments are you most proud of?

  • How does your previous service demonstrate your readiness to assume the presidency of the FA? What would you do to ensure the creation of an inclusive Faculty Assembly Council that represents the full diversity of the MiraCosta faculty?

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