MiraCosta’s Independent Union: Understanding the FA
by Brad Byrom Gaining Clarity On MiraCosta's Faculty Assembly Based on several comments the FA has received from those it represents, I'd...
Futures and Hyflex
by Mary Gross Futures Mindset Recently I have attended a few workshops to get an introduction to Futures Mindset. Simply put, it is a way...
Additional Guidance for the Benefits Elections Process
by dara It was brought to my attention that a couple of newly hired faculty members had difficulty at the time of benefits elections,...
Updates on Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
by Jeanine Sepulveda Charlie Ng sent us an email recently that highlights many of the main points presented in Senate Bill 114 and its...
Recruiting Fresh & Diverse Perspectives to FA Council
by Jeanine Sepulveda We are getting to that time of year again, in which we consider our roles in service to the college and select a...