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CCCI Spring Conference

by dara, FA Vice President

In April, Mary Gross, Luke Lara, and I attended the CCCI (California Community College Independents) conference in Berkeley. As usual, we heard presentations from the two law offices that represent the organization and many of the CCCI colleges in attendance.


Before the conference, each college put forth a list of questions for the lawyers to answer. Our union’s lawyer, David Conway, prepared a comprehensive pack of updates on privacy, DEIA lawsuits, academic freedom/free speech, and garnishment. We also had legislative updates from CCCI’s lobbyist. Wendy Brill-Wyncoop, President of FACCC (Faculty Association of California Community Colleges) presented information on the state budget and on advocacy priorities. Evan Hawkins, a past Executive Director of FACCC, pitched a proposal for contracting with CCCI to build the website, create and implement a plan to increase membership, and perhaps someday lobby for CCCI. After some negotiations, we approved the plan to hire his firm for this work.

Recently, with new leadership at CCCI, the conferences have taken on a new, fun look. We had breakout sessions to learn about the legislative process or how to develop a Legislative Subcommittee. We also broke into groups with our counterparts at the CCCI colleges that focused on Negotiations Strategies, Grievance Officer [Ombuds] Consultation, Treasurers, and Part-Time Interests. I participated in the Negotiations Strategies group, and I was able to ask questions about how the other districts survey their members and how they go about opening parts of their contracts. These small group interactions have been a great way to network with the other districts and to get to know more people at a more personal level than just sitting around a table, for eighteen hours, merely listening to people/presentations. And those personal interactions lead me to...

Elections for the CCCI Leadership Team took place at this conference, and I accepted the nomination forVice-President, South. Each position was up for re-election: CCCI President; Vice-President, North and South; Part-Time Officer, North and South; and Treasurer. Only the Part-Time Officer, North ran with opposition. I look forward to learning and growing in this new position!


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