Hyflex Survey Results
By Luke Lara

Executive Summary
On behalf of a Faculty Assembly (FA), Academic Senate (AS), and the MiraCosta College Academic Associate Faculty (MCCAAF), we requested feedback from associate and full-time faculty on HyFlex teaching and learning. We administered the survey via google forms in early December, with multiple email reminders. We received 147 responses, which represented 71 full-time faculty and 76 associate faculty participants.
Our hope is that this feedback will help the AS, FA, and MCCAAF address both academic and professional matters and working conditions related to HyFlex teaching and learning.
The brief survey instrument sought to capture both quantitative and qualitative data.
Four Takeaways of the HyFlex Survey Results
Most faculty respondents had an interest in a 2-in-1 version of HyFlex
In contrast, most faculty who responded indicated the least interest in engaging in the original concept of HyFlex as a 3-in-1 course (in person, synchronous Zoom, and asynchronous participation).
Faculty interested in the HyFlex modality identified three top professional learning areas
How to prepare course content for various modalities
How to use technology in the classroom
How to manage a classroom across multiple modalities
Faculty identified several areas of concern regarding working conditions
In-classroom support (for classroom management and to deal with technology)
Increased compensation or adjusted workload factor to accommodate increased workload for preparation and actual teaching of HyFlex courses
Faculty wellbeing and choice
Faculty shared several areas of concern regarding academic and professional matters
Faculty in disciplines should decide what makes pedagogical sense
Clear examples and guidelines for effectively teaching need to be shared
More research is need on student engagement and retention in HyFlex
Overall, faculty participants expressed excitement about the potential benefits of HyFlex courses, such as accommodating students with more options. However, the data illuminate deep concerns about workload, compensation, and the integrity of academic and professional matters.